YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号
BNB Designs

Li Coco Showroom

You know, if being trendy is all about following the crowd and keeping up with the latest lingo, then Li COCO, a boutique named after its curator, has a whole different take on what fashion's all about. It's more like a strong statement of street culture, where style means staying true to yourself, not following the pack, and breaking free from the mold. The designer's interpretation of Li COCO's space is all about creating a super stylish, design-forward environment that's a real feast for the eyes. It's more than just a store; it's a hub for fashionable folks who are all about that cool, laid-back attitude. And as a cherry on top, it's become a landmark for the city's fashion culture scene.


The dual nature of commercial and trendy spaces serves as the foundation for designers' mental and behavioral guidance when creating designs. Even though Li Coco's boutique has scored prime real estate along the street, the design doesn't rely solely on that advantage. Instead, it embodies a unique urban landmark, expressing one-of-a-kind aesthetic taste and fashion concepts. The building's eye-catching magic box shape has sparked massive interest and engagement. The inviting recessed spaces within easily draw people in, evoking a sense of intrigue and a desire to explore. The modern material properties of curtain glass allow for a seamless blend between the interior's individuality and the exterior environment. Visual cues prompt psychological suggestions, making people eager to uncover the hidden gems inside.

The designer understands that Li Coco's boutique aims not only to be a flagship store, but also to establish itself as a city's fashion landmark and trendsetter. As a result, the design's concept evolves to encompass more than just the physical space, but also to shape the brand's overall expressiveness and influence. The spiritual core is the essence that influences all brands and businesses. The designer weaves Li Coco's fashionable attitude throughout every part of the space. Strategically, the grand design concept is implemented through the logo, brand image, and spatial dimensions, creating a multi-layered, comprehensive brand statement. Tactically, various logo styles such as laser cutting and light tracing repeatedly appear throughout the space, quickly capturing the audience's brand recognition and mindset with a visual imprint.


The Magic Box concept is the soul that designers infuse into a space, the hidden message behind a sense of ceremony. It's a visually captivating display logic, designed to attract attention in a bustling environment.  When it comes to form, color has a more powerful impact on visual communication and emotional transmission. In the space, designers combine large volumes and extensive color to create a double impact, turning it into a powerful commercial touchpoint.

By connecting the first and second floors, the massive Magic Box concept is brought to life. With its nearly 30-foot high ceilings and vibrant green hues, it's hard to ignore the artistic centerpiece dominating the entire neighborhood. As night falls and the lights come on, the dazzling display offers a whole new level of stunning beauty. Serving as the centerpiece of the entire Li Coco flagship store, the green Magic Box up close is designed to be highly functional. Each part of the box, when deconstructed, is like a small Pandora's box, waiting to be enriched by the fashion perspectives represented by different products. Upon entering the space and being dazzled at first glance, the Magic Box quickly paves the way and guides the flow of traffic. This meandering path enhances the fun of the experience and serves as a natural divider for the spatial layout and functional areas, eliminating unnecessary distractions and focusing attention on each part of the space. The careful consideration of details is what stands the test of time after distances have been bridged. Modern refinement meets raw, primitive textures, and the eternal solidity juxtaposes the fluidity of time. Under the designer's touch, the artistic tension of these binary oppositions is fully realized.


Geometric blocks are the functional language of a space, setting the stage for the spotlight on the business's main attraction. They're also the order of the space, creating a layout with rhythm and contrast while guiding the flow of movement. Geometric blocks are essential design elements, not only complementing lines but also interacting with light and shadow. They're also a form of art, harmonizing with a brand's overall style and vibe.

In the hands of a skilled designer, a single shape can carry multiple meanings. With a minimalist approach, the perfect pairing of blocks and lines creates a dynamic sense of rhythm in the space, drawing attention to the interactions between people, the space, and the brand. Going beyond traditional commercial logic, designers use human behavior and experiences as their foundation, incorporating space and objects to create a unified whole. In this way, all elements come together as inseparable main characters, fostering connections between people and objects, people and space, and people and the spirit of fashion on various levels.


Getting back to the basics of product display, designers use a modern minimalist style to set the stage, letting the core content of the space give way to the presentation of merchandise. This allows each item to stand out, conveying its own unique fashion concept. 

Ample storage and display capabilities ensure plenty of products can be showcased, and the 6-foot clearance is a scientific measurement based on human experience. Metal, with its multifaceted properties, is a favorite material of designers. It represents cutting-edge fashion and can be combined with fabrics, leather, and other elements to create an unlimited range of personal styles.  Materials, colors, and forms have long been integrated into a unified spatial structure, and the designer uses this logic to create a continuous relationship between the first and second floors, guiding movement throughout the space and encouraging further exploration.

The Li Coco Showroom is a place with a unique attitude, full of artistic inspiration and creativity, and a gathering place that resonates with the soul. The designer continues the pure aesthetic on the second floor, interpreting and translating Li Coco's brand essence into a spatial expression. Everyone who enters the space can quickly identify the harmonious tones and fashion philosophy.


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