YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号
  • Longbranch

    Longbranch is a home designed to be overlooked. From the country road, a gravel drive wanders towards the house passing an unassuming new barn.  
  • Shoko Fukuda

    Inspired by "baskets," which people have shaped as vessels since ancient times, Shoko Fukuda creates sculptural works by hand-weaving a flexible linear material.
  • Moscow Apartment

    This 75 sqm apartment is located in the historic center of Moscow, in one of the buildings that is an architectural landmark of the city, distinguished by the highest parade arch.
  • OKO Apartment

    Moscow Apartment Project in the tower “OKO”. This project is situated in the skyscraper of the “Moscow-City” business district, flat is covering a total area of 83 sq.m.
  • Hannah Gartside

    Embedded in feminism and material culture, Hannah Gartside uses vintage and found textiles to create installations, sculptures and costumes.
  • Beautreillis

    Located on Rue Beautreillis in the fourth arrondissement of central Paris, the apartment dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century and has been completely renovated.
  • Marjolaine Salvador-Morel

    Marjolaine Salvador-Morel work never ceases to place the human being in the earthly realm, at the center of the universe, and to question our own representations of the world. This artist reminds us where we come from and what makes us human.
  • Master-Classes 世界大师课 | 季裕棠之待客之道 tonychi studio Established 1984 by Tony Chi in New York City. He has been designing hospitality projects for the last 39 years. Naturally, over the years, he has developed a deep understanding of qualities that bind great hotels.
  • INTOUR 正在招募 | 南非 x 豪宅艺术研习之旅(02期) 2024年6月09日至6月15日,7天6晚的行程,与我们一起深入南非立法首都开普敦,聚焦全球顶级豪宅事务所SAOTA,自建筑、室内、陈设、以及艺术等多领域展开,突破单一门类学科的边界,建立更完善的可实践的逻辑性设计体系。
  • Yinmonth Vol.042 | 比利时 x Objects With Narratives Robbe Vandewyngaerde是比利时画廊Objects With Narratives的主理人,受印际之邀将于4月26日下午20.00-21.00开启中国首次公开课。

Tony Chi

季裕棠设计事务所由季裕棠(Tony Chi)创立于1984年的美国,事务所汇聚了多位顶尖的设计师、来自世界各国的多领域人才,提供室内设计项目、建筑、景观设计和城市规划等服务。

Founded by Tony Chi in the United States in 1984, Tony Chi design firm brings together top designers from across the world in diverse fields of talent including interior design projects, architecture, landscape design and urban planning. service.   

季裕棠在台湾出生,他自幼从中国移民来到纽约,几岁移民美国,他自已亦无从记起。他自小热衷设计师的艺术,沉醉于其选择加以理解的每一项设计项目。他被人形容为一名现代主义者,生性活跃,拥有设计天资,青年时就醉心于设计,并入读纽约市艺术及设计高等中学(the High School of Art and Design in New York)。高中毕业后,他考入纽约大学,继续修读设计课程,其后入读时装技术学院(the Fashion Institute of Technology),主修室内设计。

Tony Chi was born in Taiwan. When he came to New York from China as an immigrant from his childhood, he immigrated to the United States at an early ag...