YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Yinterview.081 | Spanish Design Studio Deza Setien


Deza Setien is an interior design studio based in Spain. They hope to shape the space through the volume of the building itself, natural texture and light and shadow, while emphasizing the physical proportion and visual feeling, pursuing minimalist geometry and high-quality materials, abandoning unnecessary excessive decoration, so that the building, interior, furniture and furnishings form an organic whole.

Yinjispace:Your work is very minimalist. At what stage did you establish this design style?

Deza Section:We have always felt comfortable designing spaces that seek geometric purity, absent of any ornamentation, balanced in form and materiality, but always trying to make it expressive. Perhaps they are further away from that "minimalism" conceived by society, which tends to encompass a range of designs that are more characterized by the reduction of complexity and coldness, than by a sense of spatial serenity and moderation, which is what for us would characterize it.

Yinjispace:Which masters have your works been influenced by? What have they inspired you?

Deza Section:It would be impossible to choose just a few influences in the world of architecture, but for example, the works of Morq, Claudio Silvestrin or Teruhiro Yanagihara are a great source of inspiration for us.

But we believe that, in general, the idea is to draw from different creative disciplines such as photography, painting, craftsmanship, etc., in travels, books, or through people from different cultures; proximity factors are also essential for us, that is, observing and absorbing all the everyday details. Being receptive to all these inputs and letting them work together.

Yinjispace:How would you describe your design style? Warm? Or some other form?

Deza Section:Indeed, we understand that it conveys a sense of warmth, but we believe that this feeling is the result of a rational space. We design spaces through volumes and voids that are coherent in proportion.We tried to strip the project of unnecessary elements, to highlight the balance of the space that is worked through simple geometries, symmetry, repetition, proportions, and the good use of light and natural materials. We like to think that we find the solutions to our clients' premises, and that in the resulting designs, in addition to achieving the right functionality for them, we are clear about our identity.

Yinjispace:What inspiration did the native culture of Spain give you?

Deza Section:The environment, the light, the way of relating to the spaces and above all the way of life, as in all cultures, influence the premises when designing. Although in our opinion, with the means we have nowadays, it is very interesting to nourish ourselves also from different cultures to enrich ourselves and to be able to evolve, as it can be the case of the Oriental one. From it, for example, we are attracted by the way of understanding spaces, the special value they give to darkness, the absence of ornaments and the flexibility of spatial limits.

Yinjispace:Have you been to China before? Which Chinese designers have you followed, and how do you view Chinese design?

Deza Section:Unfortunately, we don't know China yet, but it is a place we would love to visit soon and work in. We would like to go much deeper into its architecture, as we are very attracted to its basic principles, such as practicality, balance or harmony, and that we find for example in the projects of  Vector Architects, Neri&Hu or Atelier Tao+C. We know that in recent times architecture and design in China are developing a lot but without losing its tradition, that's great.