YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Spanish Artists

Arturo Álvarez

Design Lighting Spain 2024-03-05

A constant source of inspiration for a talented designer is the man himself and his environment, including the aquatic world, plants, animals.

Arturo Álvarez is a renowned Spanish artist and designer, with morethan twenty - five years of career, who broke boundaries betweendesign and art. He is considered one of the most outstanding Spanishdesigners in lighting. In 2014 he gives a twist to his career and begins to make more artisticpieces, individual sculptures or in composition, with projections oflight and shadows, in numbered and reduced series, others are uniquepieces. 

In July 2020 he put an end to a stage of his working and creative lifeby selling the lighting company he founded twenty-five years ago,and after placing it in the world elite of contemporary design lighting. His designs can be seen in the Spotify offices in New York, or one ofHarvard’s libraries, as well as in important projects around the world. Arturo Alvarez’s lamps are created mostly for residential and commercial premises. Features and Advantages Lighting by Arturo Alvarez Arturo Alvarez collections are unique, yet they will fit every contemporary home and can even be combined with classic furniture to add a touch of fusion to your room.

In recent years, Arturo Álvarez work has evolved towards abstraction by exploring simple geometric forms without abandoning references to nature. At this point in his career, he introduces feminine forms as inspiration for his most recent work. At present, Arturo Álvarez develops new forms of expression with light as the guiding thread. The human being as protagonist, his relationships, light, shadow, agreements and disagreements are topics in which he deepens with his creation. With different techniques, he explores new forms of artistic expression where lights and shadows create emotions.


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